The Spark of the Soul
One way to sense the essential self is after focused activity when the posture is in alignment, sitting, standing, or laying down, and the mind is relaxed in stillness.
The essential self, also called authentic self, is one’s true sense of being when all of your roles and ego structures are set aside. As these extraneous definitions are released this precious inner light of the true self begins to shine through.
The more time and energy devoted to listening to the essential self, the more this experience of one's true nature can be felt. When you begin Soul Somatics work you are on your way to listening to your heart and and discovering your own inner direction. |
Essential Self can be defined as “…a very simple and pure sense of Presence. It is so simple that it becomes subtle and difficult to differentiate from other feelings.” A.H. Almaas.
The term “authentic self” derives from psychology and existential philosophy and has a very similar meaning. For more info see: |